The proven ProZero platform gives high flexibility. The nimble size and large equipment package ensure that the 12m DC is ready to a wide range of different tasks. Workstation and seats in cabin are rail mounted for versatility. A large flush aft deck ensures the possibility to preform different task in safe and trip-hazard free environment.
The design of the ProZero cabin ensures a huge amount of daylight, this also improves the personal comfort. The boat is significantly lighter than the market average which benefits fuel consumption and adds to the already proven seaworthiness. Furthermore, the cabin is mounted on rubber blocks to minimize vibrations.
The technical installations are compatible with autonomous and remote operations systems. Moreover, the engine room is prepared for hybrid operations.
The boat is made of a combination of glass and carbon fibre as a sandwich construction with PVC as core material. This core material act as a natural buoyancy reserve material, due to its lightweight and zero waterabsorption. Moreover, the sandwich construction avoids the use of internal stiffeners, increasing the usable internal space and offers a natural insulation capability, improving the comfort in the cabin and manned compartments.