The vessel is built to minimize noise and vibrations while preserving structural rigidity, integrity and strength and enhancing mission-capability. The deck layout provides flexibility and room for a variety of missions and boarding situations. The interior cabin layout is adjustable and can be transformed into mission-specific environments with over-night ac-commodation areas for the crew or seating arrange-ments for efficient crew transport.
Good ride quality and ergonomics is key to enduring long and exhausting missions, and the 15m meter Interceptor is designed to provide just that. With its non-stepped, variable deadrise deep V-bottom hull featuring good forward entry, a flared bow, wide chines and lifting strakes/spray rails, the hull pro-vides a safe and reliable base for high-speed oper-ations and will tackle even very agitated sea states. Particulier attention has been paid to crew comfort in high speed operations.
The boat is made of a combination of glass- and carbon fibre as sandwich construction with PVC as core material. This core material acts as a natural buoyancy reserve material, due to its lightweight and zero water-absorption. Moreover, the sandwich construction avoids the use of internal stiffeners, increasing the usable internal space and offers a natural insulation capability, improving the comfort in the cabin and manned compartments.